Send in Special Sessions to European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) 26-29 Sept 2017 (deadline 31 Dec 2016)
Message from INSNA listserver
We would like to remind you that the deadline for proposing organized sessions and workshops for the 3rd European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN) is approaching. The conference will take place 26th-29th September 2017 at the Johannes-Gutenberg-University in Mainz, Germany.
The scientific committee is inviting researchers who are active in the field of social network analysis to submit proposals to organize sessions and workshops at the conference. If you would like to propose a session or a workshop, please submit an abstract (max. 2 pages) to<> by 31.12.2016. More information about the submission process, the formal requirements, and frequently asked questions can be found soon on the conference website ( <> ).
Proposals from any area of social network analysis and related topics are welcome. We encourage submissions from researchers with a variety of backgrounds, including academic research and market research.
As a session organizer you are expected to encourage paper submissions to your session and review paper proposals with regards to their suitability in terms of topic and quality. Organized sessions consist of at least one 2-hour time slot accommodating 4-6 paper presentations.
As a workshop organizer please specify the required skills, equipment, and duration (half day or full day). Workshops are sessions of half a day (3 hrs) or a full day (2 sessions of 3 hrs) focused on teaching attendees specific methods, software or theories.
We are looking forward to your submission.
Marina Hennig and Katharina Kunißen
Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz
Institute of Sociology | Department of Social Network Research & Family Sociology
Jakob-Welder-Weg 12 | D-55128 Mainz